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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Goddess in the Mist

Goddess in the Mist

I find myself looking for you, my Goddess in the mist,
I find myself longing for you, my Goddess in the mist,
I find myself lost in you, the Goddess of the mist,
And realize, that all this time, that I had spent looking for you my Goddess,
I was walking right next to you,
Breathing you,
My Goddess of the Mist

This poem was taken from my friends Book of Shadows.

You can also get a Free Book of Shadows for your Android.

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  1. Oh man, the person you are referring to must be gorgeous.
    Good luck connecting with him/her again.
    Special poem.

  2. This poem is incredibly beautiful, I really like it.

  3. this blog is still functional? Wow. I feel like I've time traveled to the start of the decade.

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