\ THIM-buhl-rig \ , verb;1.
To cheat or swindle, as in the traditional shell game known as thimblerig.
Here at Poetry of the Day, I feature poetry that i really like including, poems about friendship,famous poems, poems about life, and poems that i personally write. Poetry of the day is apart of the MyOwnVerse Poetry Network!
A Dream Within a Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow --
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if Hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand --
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep -- while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. by Edgar Allan Poe
Poetry of the day REVIEW:
I think this man realized the self similar nature of reality. Reality is just a dream with in a dream with in a dream, and when you die, you will continue to dream, and continue to exist in this continuous dream.
\ JOB-uh-ree \ , noun;
1.The conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper private gain.
Beauty sat bathing by a spring Where fairest shades did hide her; The winds blew calm, the birds did sing, The cool streams ran beside her. My wanton thoughts entic'd mine eye To see what was forbidden: But better memory said, fie! So vain desire was chidden. Hey nonny, nonny, |&c.| Into a slumber then I fell, When fond imagination Seemed to see, but could not tell Her feature or her fashion. But even as babes in dreams do smile, And sometime fall a-weeping, So I awak'd, as wise this while As when I fell a-sleeping. Hey nonny, nonny, |&c.| Anthony Munday Anthony Munday and Civic Culture: Theatre, History and Power in Early Modern London 1580-1633 How this work makes me feel: like taking a nap and going into a lucid dream. and staying there lol. |
by: Walt Whitman (1819-1892)