Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Poetry PART 2

A Celtic Ghost Recalls
Although my time is timeless on this earth,
I still recall when days of gold turned cold
and how we all believed this new year's birth
was eve that spirits roamed; bad ones grew bold!

We'd leave our homes unlit and uninviting
lest spirits might possess our souls this night.
We gathered round the fire our priests were lighting;
whooped like ghouls to give the ghosts a fright.

Through history came changes; then a drought.
I followed my descendants to the shore
of strange new land where kids with glee go out
this so-called "Halloween" from door to door.

My forebears wrongly feared the likes of me.
To think this night is mainly for the candy!

Andrea Dietrich Copywrite 2001

Out in the fields where the cornstalks lie,
Some pumpkins are sleeping, but by and by
We'll pick them and bring them one by one
Into the house for Halloween fun.

We'll scoop out the middle and cut a hat,
Make 2 eyes and a nose, what do you think of that?
Put in a candle to shine right through,
Now they're Jack-o-lanterns, BOO!

- Christopher Franko

Funny Seed
What a funny seed I found,
I wondered what would grow?
So I planted it in the ground,
And now I know!

Little leaves were first to sprout,
Growing in a line,
Then golden blossoms opened out
Along the vine.

And then something grew-and grew and grew!
The biggest ever seen!
And now I have a pumpkin-
Just in time for HALLOWEEN!

- Christopher Franko

Come With Us Halloweening
Come with us Halloweening. We'll frolic in the streets.
We'll race from house to house to house spouting "Trick-or-Treats"
and eagerly we'll each collect confections in a bag.
Fellow ghouls, we'll abandon you if you even start to lag!
No slackers in OUR party as we dash from door to door.
Unlit locations and far-removed places instinctively we ignore.
Our goal: to gather all we can hold on this wickedly winsome night,
the "All Hallowed Eve" of children's dreams for fantasy and delight
when children's wild imaginings collectively take flight
in form of ensembles of diverse kinds- of whimsey and some of fright.
For me and Dale that's part of the fun, but even better yet
is what we've been counting the days off for- is the bounty we're going to get!
And through the dark we onward dart. Watch as we trespass
people's lawns, but ones with barking dogs we cleverly bypass.
And when we find to be bulging our Halloweening sacks,
we'll double back home to deposit them; then quickly head on back
until we've covered every block of every foreknown spot
that ever we have frequented and a few that we have not!
Then speed we homeward at the time expected with some dread
when darkened windows greet us and most folks have gone to bed
to throw our candies on the floor, our pleasured eyes to feed
on chocolate bars, on licorice, and scrumptious, chewy things,
tossing out the raisins, tiny suckers or silly fruit
or offering them to our sisters who got too little loot
and last off to bed , our day complete, to dream of how we'll feast
each day of the week remaining, savoring our treasury of sweets.

© 2002, Andrea Dietrich

MORE Halloween Poetry

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  1. Mmm this suits the mood. I didn't love ALL of them, but I totally enjoyed myself.

  2. It's nice to meet you and I enjoyed your spooky pictures and the poetry. Hope your Halloween was full of lots of spook and spoof.

  3. The gifs go really nicely with the poems.

  4. Aw, man. Now how am I going to get the pee out of my pants?


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