Monday, January 24, 2011

The Oak by Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Oak

Live thy Life,

Young and old,
Like yon oak,
Bright in spring,
Living gold;

Then; and then
Gold again.
All his leaves
Fall'n at length,
Look, he stands,
Trunk and bough
Naked strength.

by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Suppressed Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson

Poetry of the Day Review:
 simple enough, life compared to the life of an oak tree. i bet its pretty boring to be an oak tree though. :/ unless the tree has a consciousness. and all day we see a tree, on this level of existence, but the to the tree, its god of its own universe, its sitting at a bar somewhere interacting with dream characters.

oh btw word of the day for your comment challenge is......
paphian: of or pertaining to love, esp. illicit physical love.

comment of the day
Suciô Sanchez said...

Oh Paphian Goddess,
Thy honey-tongued whispers
set me straining for the heavens,
Like a blasphemous finger
pointing accusingly at Mount Olympus.


  1. Alfred Lord Tennyson....always reminds me of Beast from the 90's X-Men cartoon. haha. Beast busted out some random intellectual quote during the usual mutant super hero shenanigans but name i always remembered was Tennyson's.

  2. Why do you suppose Tennyson used the names of all the seasons, except winter?

  3. Now this is more like it! :)
    Also, what lorely said.

  4. excellent Tennyson is one of my favorite poets

  5. nice poem, nice review!

    your friend,

  6. Poem feels more appropriate during the summer, but nice work nonetheless!

  7. Oh Paphian Goddess,
    Thy honey-tongued whispers
    set me straining for the heavens,
    Like a blasphemous finger
    pointing accusingly at Mount Olympus.

  8. The trees are wise like the great deku tree :D

  9. Excellent poem man, and I agree with thenitefalls, it does look like the deku tree, lol.

  10. Mood swings like trees, new year's resolutions in spring, yes man is much like ze tree.

  11. This reminds me of an old oak in my parents garden where I used to have paphian rendezvous with the girl next door

  12. What a lovely and unexpected treat. Any day that I unexpectedly encounter Tennyson is bound to be a good one.

    Whenever I read any of the classic authors or poets I remember that they lived in a world where they had to conjure an image for a reader. Make it vividly hued; alive. After all, we are used to constant access to imagery -- as soon as I clicked over here I spent some time enjoying your pleasantly surreal banner -- but they lived in a world of few mass produced images, particularly with any sort of color.

    And I realize they brought the world to life and color with words. It's awe-inspiring, isn't it?

    Anyway, just popping by to say thanks for the comment on my blog. I am foolishly fond of my dog.

  13. your a good writer :)

  14. unrestly
    hot summer nights
    paphian dreams
    Wanting you.

  15. Lord Tennyson is not appreciated well for some reason beyond my intelligence :/

  16. ill leave the poem writing to the experts. Another really cool post.

  17. If only trees could talk, I guess...

    It would be pretty boring to be a tree, unless you were like those ones in LotR and could walk around and stuff.

  18. I like oak trees, used to be loads near my school when I was a kid

  19. Nice poem, placed an elegance and emotion to things I've tried expressing.

    I think happiness is a state, one that is capable of change and trees, being cemented in one spot; it would be likely that the concept of satisfaction is much different then humans.

  20. I like the poems you pick here. Thanks for stopping by my blog as well (Humid Tea and Dry Pines poetry). -RJ


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