Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Beauty - Charles Baudelair

I am as lovely as a dream in stone;
My breast on which each finds his death in turn
Inspires the poet with a love as lone
As everlasting clay, and as taciturn.
Swan-white of heart, as sphinx no mortal knows,
My throne is in the heaven's azure deep;
I hate all movement that disturbs my pose;
I smile not ever, neither do I weep.

Before my monumental attitudes,
Taken from the proudest plastic arts,
My poets pray in austere studious moods,

For I, to fold enchantment round their hearts,
Have pools of light where beauty flames and dies,
The placid mirrors of my luminous eyes.

Charles Baudelaire

Special thanks  too lula for telling my about this great poet. idk how i missed him! 


  1. Haha you're so welcome, the pleasure's all mine! and thank YOU ;)
    Great choice by the way!


  2. thx @come

    and @lula yea i thought so too :D

  3. Baudelaire's poems aren't necessarily better in French and I can tell you this because I speak French but then again maybe it's because i speak the language fluently that I can't recognize its true beauty. I know a lot of people think French is such a nice language and everything but I find it quite boring and pretentious sometimes. And so far I like the English translations!
    And about what you asked, I don't have Skype account which is rather unusual because everybody talks on Skype these days. I do have Facebook (


  4. I like what you did with your blog. keep up the good work!

  5. Great poetry! *_*
    I like so much Charles!
    I red "the fleurs du mal" and I think it's a great book.
    thank you for your sweet comment and for following me.
    Now I follow you, too.

  6. beautiful poetry. I'm following you now.

  7. This is a very well structured and beuatiful piece of work.

  8. Hi there !

    I just came across your blog &. I like it!

    Check my blog to &. maybe we can follow eachother?

    + Join my giveaway!

    Kind regards, Valerie

  9. Penguin published and anthology of translations a few years ago: "Baudelaire in English". It was part of their "Poets in Translation" series.

    Sadly, the series seems to be out of print now. Check 2nd hand bookshops: "Ovid in English" is one of the best books of poetry I ever read.

  10. I've missed some of your posts because they aren't showing up in Maybe you could check Design>Settings>Site Feed>Allow Blog Feeds?

  11. Nice, I should try to remember some of these, would be cool to just suddenly quote some poetry!

  12. "I smile not ever, neither do I weep."

    good stuff right there.

  13. love it. i think i will become a follower becuase you put some great stuff up here!


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